On behalf of our team, thank you for considering our Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities for your loved one. Our objective is to be the preferred healthcare provider of choice for Seniors in our facility’s surrounding communities. We strive to be the leader in quality care each and every day offering the highest level of expertise and experience in Senior Care.
Pillar Stone Healthcare Company is one of the leading Texas healthcare management companies providing advanced medical services. Our patient centered care model puts the patient first and follows our “Let us SERVE you” motto. Our Golden Rule values enable us to treat every customer as our own family member. We utilize advances in technology while holding close to our hearts the understanding that nothing replaces kindness and caring.
I hope this website will give you a better insight into Pillar Stone Healthcare Company and the commitment we make to care and enhance the lives of the people we serve.
Darcy Whatley
President and Chief Executive Officer